
13 Ridiculously Photogenic people

  • 3:07 pm May 3, 2018
  • Hazel

The social media is flooded with selfies and photographs. But, if we try keeping up with the trend, I am sure most of u agree that no matter how hard we try to photograph ourselves in a certain way, we never really achieve the desired effect. However, not everyone gets photographed badly. Here we bring you a list of people who are ridiculously photogenic.

Marathon Runner

While everyone in this photograph is puffing and panting, this one guy looks like he is just taking a casual stroll, while in reality, he is actually running the marathon. Not everyone can keep a smile like that in place while running.

Fire Away

This girl looks like she is having a ball being surrounded by fire and smoke in contrast to the guy behind her, who has gone all red and sweaty due to the heat surrounding him. She looks so nonchalant in this photograph that it looks like it has been photoshopped.

Animal Lover

This girl managed to capture the adorable expression of the deer in her selfie. Such a photogenic animal.

Jump Ashore

The timing of this photograph is excellent and also the matching facial expressions.


How can one manage to look and pose so radiantly while practicing a tiring sport with so many hurdles?

Model Incoming

This guy looks like he is modeling for a magazine cover while getting slammed to the floor. How can he not even quiver a little bit?