
7 Hugs And What They Reveal About Your Personality And Relationships!

  • 12:13 pm March 6, 2022
  • surabhi

Every little thing we do says a lot about who we are as people. These minor gestures may go unnoticed but in reality they do make a big difference when it comes to truly analyzing someone's personality. Researchers have proven that even something as small as the way we hug someone, conveys a lot about our relationships and our personalities in depth!


You are an introvert and do not like people invading your personal space or asking too many questions about your life. Even when it comes to choosing life partners, you are very watchful and take cautious steps. Needless to say, you seldom trust easy but when you do, it is forever!


Your personality is larger than life and you can hug quite confidently even without the other person responding the same way. You are not fearful of what people will think and you don't really care about other's opinions affecting your decisions. You live life independently and even in your relationship, you hold a firm ground!


People with eye contact hugs are the best to be around since they are emotional sponges. They can take in your sorrow and share your happiness too. They understand every emotion you go through and since their emotional intelligence is strong, they can truly give the right advices. All in all, they make great friends and awesome life partners!


You are a giver. In any relationship, you give more than you expect and in return even if you get not even half, you settle for it assuming it is all right. You have a large heart that forgives almost immediately. When it comes to choosing a life partner, you always look for people who "need" affection. Your happiness lies in seeing people you love happy and smiling!


If you are someone who hugs your partner this way, then you truly are a keeper. Someone who hugs this way is passionate and is a true romantic. You believe in Mills and Boons and fairytales and will not mind weekly candlelight dinners, fancy surprises and romantic weekends off. You are a dreamer and love the fantasy land!


If you greet your friends with violent hugs, backslaps, loud laughter, and your partners with hugs like these, you surely are a carefree soul. You do not like lingering feelings and uncomfortable situations. You are most likely to find comfort in wild, free things and are perhaps a traveler. In most rooms you enter, you end up becoming the life of the party!