
These 10 Actors Have Made A Career Of Basically Playing The Same Character Again And Again!

  • 6:41 pm November 16, 2020
  • surabhi

Acting is when you can completely change your personality and yet be convincing. Playing a character which is very similar to your real life personality is easy since most of us are comfortable with the way we are. These actors however took it to a whole different level of ease. They played the character so many times that their entire career is just that. To be honest, we doubt if their real life personalities are any different!


Think of a quirky, weird girl with confidence issues and you can basically fit Deschanel into that character because lets face it - New Girl, Good Girl, Almost Famous, 500 Days of Summer, Elf and the list goes on. Pick anyone and you will see a quirky Deschanel in there!


Think of a karate / Asian taskmaster with little quirks and who do you picture? Umm well, Jackie Chan it is! But guess what, that IS REALLY HIM. He basically just plays himself in all his acting stints!


Okay this woman needs to take a break from acting. Her range of acting progress stopped at her first film itself. Remember Cindy from the Scary Movie Franchise? Well, thats it. That is basically her in all movies!


Ever wondered what happened to the teacher from School of Rock? Well Jack Black is doing just that in all his other movies ever since - either teaching music / making music / just basically being Jack Black!


Can someone please gift this woman expressions for Christmas? It is high time already! We get it that your character in Twilight was sullen and confused perennially but that is not reason good enough to just be that way in all your acting gigs. Is she like this in real life as well?


Think smoker, chubby and a comic and this is the guy you get. Seth Rogan has played the same guy in all his films - as a supporting actor or even as a lead. Knocked up, Neighbors, Long Shot, Interview - take any work of his and that is exactly what you see!