
What the Acne on 7 Body Parts Is Trying to Tell You About Your Health!

  • 10:57 pm September 11, 2022
  • suhas

Acne can actually tell you what occurred to your body and what health issues you may have. However, in the majority of situations, it is all due to extremely minor lifestyle issues that may be readily corrected right immediately. The next step is to figure out what caused another pimple and what we can do now to avoid it from happening again. However Please bear in mind, that this article is intended for informational purposes. Please consult your doctor before taking any action or starting any therapy.

Around the mouth

Acne around the mouth can develop if the skin in this area is inflamed or constantly contacted, such as by a cell phone or other objects such as helmet straps or musical instruments. Various cosmetics and skincare creams could also be to blame. In addition to hormones and genetics.

First and foremost, if it appears regularly, consult a dermatologist who will determine the best treatment for you. In any case, it is always preferable to prevent than than cure. So make it a habit to cleanse your skin twice a day using a moderate or mild cleanser. Use cosmetics that is "non-comedogenic" (non-pore-clogging) and oil-free, and avoid touching your face.

On the nose

One of the most typical locations of the face to develop acne is the nose. It's because its pores are often bigger, making dirt and bacteria easier to clog. Furthermore, the skin here is oilier, making it more prone to acne.

Diet, stress, and some drug$ can all cause nose acne. It can sometimes be a symptom of more significant underlying health conditions. But the most common cause is poor hygiene. So it's always a good idea to incorporate Tea Tree Oil, which is a very gentle and efficient acne treatment, or sodium sulfacetamide and Sulphur, which will prevent germs on the skin from proliferating. Consult a dermatologist in extreme circumstances.

On the forehead

The key factor in both cases is an increase in oil production on your skin. However, it can be difficult to determine why this occurs. Especially if you aren't taking any drugs and it isn't due to hormones or stress. It's fascinating to learn that our hair can be the cause of forehead acne.

If your hair is oily, the oil might block the pores on your forehead. Different pomades, gels, and waxes may also be to blame, as they frequently contain cocoa butter or coconut oil and can make your skin greasy. This can be solved with a gentle cleaner. If it doesn't work, try to avoid using greasy hair products and just washing your hair more frequently.

Jaw and neck

If you believe that acne in general is caused by hormones, there is some good news for you: this is not the case. When some hormone levels fluctuate, it might result in an increase in androgens, which is a typical cause of adult acne. However, other places, such as our jaws and neck, are actual indications of hormone swings.

It's very normal for fluctuations to occur during menstrual cycles. It can also be caused by drugs such as birth control. It may be a medical condition in severe situations, but most of the time a non-comedogenic cleanser, moisturizer, and acne treatment can fix the problem. Just like basic sun safety and sunscreen application.

On cheeks

Cheek acne is also a widespread issue, especially now that everyone has a cell phone. Yes, not simply touching your face, but even a phone call can trigger pimples to appear in this area. Phones are extremely effective at spreading bacteria. In addition to unclean pillowcases and sheets, as well as other objects that come into contact with your skin.

Acne on the cheeks could be hormonal. However, it is far more likely that it is the result of particular lifestyle patterns. So, this time, a few easy tweaks can remedy everything. For example, wipe off your phone after each use and avoid carrying it to germy locations like the restroom. Changing pillowcases and linens once a week is also a good idea, as is washing your clothes.

On your back

Back acne may be caused by an allergic reaction to sunscreen, moisturizer, body lotions, massage oils, or wax. It could also be caused by sweat, which combines with the oil and pollutants on our skin and clogs the pores. That is why a quick shower after workout is essential. And a thorough backwash is required.

Dirty clothes, blankets, and pillows can also contribute to back acne. Tight clothing is likewise not a good idea. They prevent your skin from breathing, which can lead to irritation and, as a result, pimples on your back. If there is no evident external explanation, it is best to focus on your nutrition and see if you are getting enough nutrients.