
10 Absolutely Normal Images If you Aren't Paying Attention To The Background

  • 10:53 pm July 22, 2022
  • suhas

The most fascinating things are not generally on the surface, some of the time you really have to look for them. Exactly the same thing applies to the photographs in our selection. Could you at any point see past the hot girls in the background or figure out what’s going on in a seemingly normal family portrait?

This boy knows how to attract attention.

The kid knows what he's doing. He is just too far away from kid's his age.

“Can you point me to the closest kindergarten?”

I swear I wasn't prepared for this. The clown had his timing too accurate.

Future playboy

Nothing much, the kid is just checking how big the 'figure' is.

Kids these days grow up so fast.

The girl was literally like "up for a race you coward?"

“This is how faithful I need my man to act.”

The guy is either too depressed or either to honest. Just one 'are you okay?' and he's gonna break down in tears.

Photobomb level: Bartender

They literally photobombed too good to make this photo even better than it would've been.