
6 Situations That May Mean You Are In Massive Danger

  • 10:50 pm March 11, 2022
  • suhas

You never know when danger comes and hugs you. You must always be prepared for the worst. Here are some red lights for you to know if you are in danger. These situations may just mean that you are in danger!

Broken taxi meter

When you get inside a taxi and the driver tells you that the meter is not working, get out immediately. They may just charge you a lot extra and there isn't any guarantee that they will not cheat you.

Envelope on a car seat

Finding an envelope on the passenger seat, even if you are sure your car was locked, means that someone was able to break into it. The most logical thing that you can do is leave immediately to save yourself and report the incident.

Parking your car next to a van

This is never a good idea. Parking your car next to a bigger vehicle can sometimes be a bad choice. It may just block your vision and create problems.

The bank asks you for your PIN number

No matter what happens, never ever give your pin to anybody in the world. Just don't. It is always a scam.

Water bottle on the car hood

Just know that if you ever find a water bottle on your car hood, don’t touch it and or get out of your car. This is because the water bottle tactic is probably used by kidnappers and traffickers to make you exit your car and become a victim. So be careful.

Towing service from strangers

If you need help on the road it’s better to stay away from strangers who offer you help, unless you really think it’s safe to accept it. You may just get into a scam.