
9 Biggest Discoveries Even Scientists Failed To Understand!

  • 12:23 pm June 28, 2021
  • suhas

No matter how old our human race is, the reality is that we are yet unaware of so many things on our planet. Everyday our scientists discover new things that open a plethora of new questions. Nobody has answers to any of these new questions! Here are certain discoveries that are yet a question mark!

L'Anse aux Meadows, Canada

They say this is a settlement in Canada founded by Vikings thousands of years ago. But if that is true, then the Scandinavian seafarers reached North America long before the birth of Christopher Columbus. Something to think about!

The Longyou Caves, China

These caves look so perfect, right? All that scientists could figure out of this place was the fact that these caves are carved out of sandstone by human hands! We don't anything else about this place. There is no mention of its construction in the history books.

The Underwater City of Yonaguni, Japan

This will go down as the biggest architectural mystery ever also because this place was discovered by chance by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake. The rock from which it is carved was submerged underwater about 10,000 years ago — long before even the Egyptian pyramids were erected. Some archaeologists believe that during this primitive era, people still huddled in caves and lived off edible roots. By this this mere description, we must know how old this place was!

Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan

Be it Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan or Dholaveera in India, Indus valley civilization remains have been marked at a lot of places. Often regarded as one of the first ever human civilizations, we yet don't know how it ended? Was it flooded? Or did it fall prey to some other natural disaster?

The Temple Complex of Saksaywaman, Peru

This stone work is as perfect as it can get. And the fact that it was completed without the use of a single drop of mortar, is stunning. But given how old it is, how on earth was it constructed?

Gate of the Sun, Bolivia

This place is a superb one. The Gate of the Sun can be found in Tiwanaku — an ancient and mysterious city in Bolivia. We all know it has some astronomical significance but we are just unable to figure out what!