
This is What the Shape of The Thumb Tells About You!

  • 7:50 pm August 12, 2020
  • suhas

Our body parts signify a lot about us. A lot about our likes, dislikes, personality etc. The part in focus today is our thumb. Did anyone ever tell you that your thumb can actually say a lot of things about you! We tell you what it says about your personality!

If It Is Straight

If your thumb is straight as shown in the image, you are more likely to be a dominating personality. You go around with a poker face but you keep the promises that you make. People might try to take advantage of you but you make mostly the right choices.

If Your Thumb is Flexible!

Now if your thumb is flexible as shown in the image, you are in touch with your emotional side. This is called the hitchhiker's thumb and you like the change and the new environments. You are also on the creative side and art is your passion!

Your thumb is bigger than the top

If your thumb looks as depicted in the photo, you are a hard worker and you know the worth of life and that it isn't easy at all to succeed in life. It also means that you are confident and smart and you dream of intelligence. You are clear about everything and often appreciated at work.

Your thumb 's top is longer than the Bottom

And if the top of your thumb is longer than the bottom then you are a perfectionist! You come up with ideas and you even implement them. you are a dedicated hard worker and you strive perfection. You implement your ideas very well as well!

Top And Bottom Are of The Same Size

And finally, in case the top and the bottom of your thumb are of the same size, you are a balanced person and likes to maintain that balance in your life. You know a lot about life and you tend to teach other people about it. You are a good speaker as well!