
Naughty Joke: Trevor Watches His father Do The Forbidden Deed With His Nanny

  • 6:22 pm August 16, 2018
  • Hazel

When little kids ask you questions about anything that is too mature for them they can appear nosey and sometimes we adults lose our minds while explaining to them. Knowing that kids learn so much through being inquisitive about the world around them and asking questions. Questions like, ‘Why do the planets go round the sun?’, ‘What is pollen?’, ‘Why do I have allergies?’ ‘Why did the traffic light just turn red?’ and ‘Where was I on your wedding day?’ are just some of the typical questions that they ask. But this guy went on to ask about the government. And he even understood it very well, after what he saw.

Explain the government

The Father in this story attempted to explain government to his young child, however, he had no clue that it would cause issues down the road for him the following day. Keep in mind, laughing is good for health!

Little Trevor returns from school and takes a seat at the kitchen table. He looks meditative and he swings to his Father who's at the stove, getting ready supper.

What is politics

“Father, we have to write an essay, and I was thinking about whether I could ask you something."

"Obviously child, shoot!" his Father answers merrily, glad to have the capacity to help.

Trevor asks, "What is politics?"

What his father explained...

"Well child, it resembles this. I'm the provider of the family, so we should call me Capitalism. Mother is the person who handles and administrates the cash, so how about we call her the Government.

We're here to deal with your necessities, so how about we consider you the General population or the people.

The babysitter, well, we should call her the Working class. We could consider your child sister the future. Does that sound good to you?"


Trevor gestures, his foreheads wrinkled with fixation. "I think so, thanks!"

Little Trevor heads out to bed, considering what his Father had said.

Trevor goes to parents room

Soon thereafter, he hears his sister crying. He races to her room and sees that she has dirtied her diapers.

Trevor goes to his parent's room, yet he sees that his mother is sound sleeping.

Not having any desire to wake her, he goes to the babysitter's room.

Dad with nanny

The door was strangely locked. He glances through the keyhole and sees his dad uncovering the babysitter.

He sees him kiss her neck and put his hands under her shirt, and the nanny groans delicately.

They didn't see Trevor's light thumps, so he surrenders and returns to bed.