
10 Facts That Will Make You Skeptic Of Everything You Know

  • 11:49 am May 25, 2018
  • Hazel

There are a lot of things, facts that we are unaware of. There are things that we were thought about and some things that we believe because it was told to us. We literally believe whatever the rest of the world does. But when you question these things is when you know what it is all about. Research makes you wiser, as you collect all the facts and believe what you found out instead of trusting others story. Just to get your facts right, we have got a compilation of truth that will enlighten you.

Napoleon Was Tall

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French statesman and military leader. He ascended to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful warfares during the French Revolutionary Wars.

Napolean is believed to be a short man with the height of 5’6”. The average height in France those days was about 5’3” to 5’4”. So this makes Napoleon one among the tallest emperors.

Towels Stacked in Stores

The towels stacked in the stores which are out of reach is only for decoration. it is also an anti-theft solution. So, next time instead of reaching out to get those towels.

Just ask the store assistant to get it for you. Or else you might end up revealing their little secret.

Gravity in Outer Space

So, well we always want to get that spacy feeling of floating in the air. But what we don't know is, that the astronauts don't really float they are actually falling down, slowly!

This is because the gravity on International Space Station is weaker than on the planet’s surface.

The Astronauts look like they are falling very slowly along with the station causing weightlessness.

Shape Of Earth

Since the Earth is flattened at the poles and bulges at the Equator, geodesy represents the figure of the Earth as an oblate spheroid.

The oblate spheroid, or oblate ellipsoid, is an ellipsoid of revolution obtained by rotating an ellipse about its shorter axis.

Thus, Earth is not exactly round.

Paving blocks

Paving blocks are not blocks. Here's the truth behind it!

We were all fooled by this little trick! This is so smart.

You don't need to work on the pattern by placing them in a correct way but instead, you could just press a texture on the cement.

Owls have long legs!

We all had this misconception that the owls are short and cute. And by short I meant they have short legs. Well, at least that what it looked like.

This picture enlightened me of the facts I didn't know about owls.