
8 Photos Which Is presenting Things Which After The Year 2000 Will Never Understand

  • 3:25 pm May 24, 2018
  • mariam

The year passes and technology gets upgraded. It always makes people feel backward within a decade. The biggest struggle is one generation and it is forgotten by next Because in every generation things get upgraded and new technology arrives which makes you forget the previous generation. Growing up in a particular era has its own benefits along with the struggles of living a comfortable life. Everyone has benefits of its own. Those born in 90’s the hardship and Funtime they had in their childhood are somewhere lost as time passed by. This is the reason why there are a few things which people born after 2000 would never be able to relish in their lifetime.

Big Book Of CD's

Previously we used to listen to music through CD players and even watch movies in it. Finding music lovers with big books of CDs was not difficult at that time.

They always had one in their car and one for their room. CD's were the trend but now mobiles have many apps through which we can download many songs from old to new.,

The Entangled Tape

The times when a cassette tape used to get entangled and we used to use a pencil to open it up to smoothen it to enjoy the track.

The Pant Filled With Pockets

Before we used to keep mobile, iPod and camera in different pockets and it used to occupy space in our pants.

It was arduous to carry both in one pocket- a mobile phone and the iPod before stepping out of the home. Now we got everything in one mobile.

Long Term Bsttery

The best part of Nokia phones were their batteries. it never used to get over. It feels like a lifetime only when only 1% of your battery was getting used up by the end of the day.

Small Pocket Big Gadgets

That Walkman was too big for the pocket. But the Jeans pocket were too small to carry these gadgets. A distressed denim used to be the fashion of those days. Now technology has moved ahead to wireless gadgets which give amazing music and no fashion disaster.

Navigation Map

A genius was needed to navigate through such antique for sure. When we used to go out there was always a map in our hand to find a way. But in this generation, we've got virtual maps in our smartphones.