
This Is What Your Signature Tells About Your Future!

  • 1:20 pm February 7, 2021
  • suhas

The way you sign your name says a lot about your personality. It reveals what kind of a person you are and how you like to live your life! This analysis is an extremely interesting thing to be honest! This is what it says...

A short signature

If you have an extremely short signature, you are an extremely impatient person! Your concentration levels are also extremely low! You don't even have the attention span to finish writing your name!

A Straight Signature

If you have a straight signature, you are an extremely balanced person! You have balanced the art of aggression and calm! Some may also call you an even tempered person!

Downward slant

If you sign your name with a downward slant, you are actually a pessimist! Not only that—it may mean that you're cautious in meetings and gatherings. You prefer weighing your risks before taking any decisions!

Upward slant

People with upward slant signatures ooze out ambition! It shows their aim of always moving up in life!

Small letter size

Some people have the habit of signing with letters extremely small in size! That just goes on to show their lack of self esteem. It indicates how you feel about yourself and the world around you.

Illegible letters

A lot of people have this habit of writing random letters for their signature. They could actually come from a person who works quickly and moves on to the next project. these people hate wasting their time!